- Inquiry-based, research-focused and collaborative learning activities
- Briefing notes with background information, research and statistics
- Weblinks and support for Information and Communication Technology curriculum
- Assessment supports
The Critical Issues Series was conceptualized and developed for Alberta Canola. This series of teaching and learning resources are developed around a critical issues approach and promote inquiry-based learning and critical thinking. The exploration of contemporary issues is framed around inquiry questions that are relevant and meaningful to students, engage them in deliberative research and promote social participation skills. These resources support Social Studies, Science and Health and Life Skills curriculum for junior and senior high classrooms.
The Grow Guides Series was also conceptualized and developed for Alberta Canola for elementary classrooms. This series of teaching and learning resources support integrated learning and promote inquiry and critical thinking. These resources support Social Studies, Science, Language Arts and Health and Life Skills curriculum for grades 3 to 5 classrooms.